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Fido & Felix Gourmet Beef Dinner checks all the boxes and is sure to be a welcome addition to your dog's raw food menu! They'll be barking for more !

All the meats used in the manufacture of our products are food grade and fit for human consumption.


This recipe consists of 55% Canadian Beef, 15% High-Value Organ Meats (heart, liver, kidney), 15% Green Beef Tripe, 10% Beef Bone, 5% Spinach & Carrots


Grass fed beef is higher in protein and Omega 3 EFA’s and lower in fat than its grain fed counterpart and is an excellent source of various vitamins and minerals, in particular B12 and Zinc, as well as B6, niacin, selenium, phosphorus and iron. Beef protein is highly nutritious and promotes muscle maintenance and growth. It is also an abundant source of bioactive compounds and antioxidants such as creatine, taurine, glutathione, and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid).


Beef Tripe is a great addition and offers manganese, iron, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium, B complex vitamins, vitamins A, C, D and E, a perfect 1:1 ratio of calcium and phosphorus, a perfect balance of omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids and contains linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, prebiotics and probiotics, amino acids.  It supports gut health and in turn increased immunity which makes it a great addition for dogs with allergies and food sensitivities. It is a good choice for dogs with kidney disease as it has a low phosphorus level and is easily digested and will appeal to them when they are suffering from low appetite.


Some pets develop sensitivities to beef due to over-vaccination as bovine

protein is used in the production of vaccines but if your pet doesn’t fall into this

category then beef is a great protein to include in your pet’s diet!


Available in:

  • 5 lb. boxes of 1/3 lb. patties
  • 12 lb. boxes of 1/3 lb. patties

Gourmet Beef Dinner - 1/3 lb. patties

PriceFrom C$30.40

Products are guaranteed for quality and we will exchange any product found to be defective.  We do not however guarantee palatability as it relates to your pet's preferences.

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